★ Hiking in Taiwan with 523:2013/5/4(Sat.) ~5/5(Sun.) Fireflies Season: Walami Trail + Zhuilu Old Road in Taroko(螢火蟲季:瓦拉米步道+ 太魯閣錐麓古道)
★ Deadline to register:April 3th (Wednesday) or when fully booked (Limited: 10 persons)
(Walami Trail and Zhuilu Old Road are Entry Permit required, please register before April 3th (Wed.)
According to Professor Yang’s survey, there are 25 kinds of fireflies in National Yushan Park, nine kinds in Naan, Walami. There are eight kinds of fireflies in spring, including “Luciola anceyi Olivier” from March to June, “Luciola cerata E. Olivier” from April to July, “Luciola curtithorax” from April to September. Trail has whole ecological system from subtropics zone to frigid zone, cultivating rich and various animals and plants. The trail from the trailhead to Walami is along Batongguan old road built from Japanese Occupation roughly, flat and along Lakulaku stream. When walking on the trail, you can not only experience the difficulty of opening a new road in the old time, but also enjoy wonderful feeling from Nature. Following scenic spots are: Naan waterfall, Shanfon warwefall, Jiahsin, Kaxipanan memorial stone and Huangma stream.
The ZhuiLu Old Trail is the most breathtaking super private spot in Taroko Gorge area, which offers a bird-eye view of the gorge. Imagine yourself looking down from the top of Taipei 101 (Taiwan’s tallest building), but the scenery below is the magnificent view down into the Taroko Gorge. The ZhuiLu Old Trail could definitely offer you such a brilliant experience. Built by Japanese in 1914 in order to fight with local indigene, therefore so many historical traces were left on this trail. The trails sticks to the rim of the gorge along the way, part of it is cut into the vertical cliff by the LiWu River for nearly five hundred meters high. If you adore adventuring and hiking, never miss the ZhuiLu Old Trail.
★ Leader:Kitty Hawk 0912-257-164, chinesedress@hotmail.com
★ Gathering Time: May 4th (Saturday) AM 8:00 集合時間:5/4(六)早上8:00
★ Gathering Place:Taipei MRT Tai-power Building Exit 5集合地點:台電大樓捷運站5號出口
★ Deadline to register:February 10th (Sunday) or when fully booked (Limited: 10 persons)
報名截止日: 2013/4/3 (三)
★ How to register:
If you registered 523 hikes by registration form before, please email again to make sure the priority. The registration form must be forwarded to chinesedress@hotmail.com and topolinachen@gmail.com with the following personal information (After making sure to go, we will give you a payment notice):
已報過523之前活動留有資料的人,還是請您再寄一次,以確認報名優先順序。請將以下報名資料寄至 chinesedress@hotmail.com 及 topolinachen@gmail.com (確定成行後另行通知繳費)
1. 參加活動名稱/日期Activity Name/Date
2. 姓名Name
3. 身份證字號Passport number
4. 性別Gender
5. 血型Blood Type
6. 出生年月日(Date of Birth)(yyyy/mm/dd)
7. 國籍Nationality
8. 職業Occupation
9. 通訊地址Address
10. 住家電話Home tel.
11. 公司電話Office tel.
12. 行動電話Cell phone
13. E-mail
14. 緊急聯絡人姓名/關係Emergency Contact Name and Relationship (Taiwan area Better)
15. 緊急聯絡人電話(台灣地區)Emergency Contact Phone Number (Taiwan area Better)
16. 素食與否 (vegetarian)(yes or no)
(Just registering here on the 523 Facebook page is not acceptable.)不接受只在523臉書上的登記
★ Fee:
Non-member NT 4,500, Member NT 4,200
NT 4,500 non-member;NT 4,200 member.
The fee includes the all transportation costs, food (3 meals, D1dinner and D2 breakfast & lunch), D2 dinner in the restaurant, NT3 million accident and medical insurance, services of the group leader and guide, hostel, a safety fund, applying permit and other administrative costs.
(Want to be a 523 member? NT 500/person or NTD 800/family member, with validity 1/1~12/31)
★ Itinerary:
D1 5/4 (Saturday) 8:00 gather集合 → 11:00Hualin 花蓮新城→ 12:00 Shakadang Trail lunch砂卡噹步道午餐 →13:00depart for Walami Trial出發前往瓦拉米步道→14:30 trialhead of Walami Trial瓦拉米步道口 → 16:00 back→18:00 trialhead of Walami回到瓦拉米步道入口 → dinner → depart to hostel 前往民宿→ 民宿Hostel→look at stars on the beach in Qixingtan七星潭看海觀星
D2 5/5 (Sunday) 06:50 早餐breakfast→ 07:10 depart for ZhuiLu Old Road出發前往錐麓古道→ 07:50 trialhead登山口→ 12:30 lunch午餐 → 13:30 depart for WenShan hot spring前往文山溫泉→ 13:45 WenShan hot spring文山溫泉→ 15:45 depart for Taipei返回台北 →17:00 dinner in ILan宜蘭晚餐 → 19:00 Arrive back in Taipei抵台北
★ Personal Equipment:
Please bring small backpack, rain gear, clothes for 2 days, warm clothes (Mountain area is around 1000m high, could be 10゚C degrees lower than Taipei), headlamp or flashlight, swimming suit (for hot spring, option), hiking shoes, slippers or sandals, sunscreen, personal medication, toothbrush, toothpaste, bath soap, shampoo, towel, water container, spoon and bowl, snack, lunch for day 2, spare cash and ID (ID with passport number, for check).
★ Points for Attention:
1. Please prepare D1 lunch, your personal water and snack on the march.
2. Please follow the team leader’s instructions. Do not leave the group.
3. If you feel unwell during the trip, please let the team leader know immediately.
4. At least 7 people are required for this activity to proceed. If less than 7 people register, the activity will be cancelled.
5. We are required to apply for permits for this trip. Participants who cancel two weeks before the trip will receive a 70% refund of their registration fees. Unfortunately, no refunds can be given to participants who cancel in the week before departure. If we are not successful in obtaining permits, we may arrange the activity on different dates or schedule a different activity. Participants who are unable to join these rearranged activities will receive a refund after NT200 has been deducted for administrative costs.
6. In the event of typhoons, closure of the mountain, or other factors beyond our control, we will either postpone or cancel the activity based on official announcements from the meteorological authorities or relevant government departments. If participants are forced to cancel because they are unable to attend a rescheduled activity, they will receive a refund after NT200 has been deducted for insurance and administrative costs.
Thank you for your understanding!
7. In the event that the closure of the mountain during the trip forces us to abandon our original itinerary, the association reserves the right to alter the original itinerary, destinations visited, or food and accommodation provided. If any cost savings are made as a result, they will be refunded to participants after the trip is completed.
1. 請自備第一天午餐、水及行進糧。
2. 活動中請遵從領隊的行程安排、引導,勿脫隊行動。
3. 行程中若有身體不適,務請告知領隊及幹部,謝謝!
4. 本行程需額滿7人才得以成行,否則需予以取消。
5. 本行程必需辦理入山申請;出發前前兩週取消者扣團費30%;出發前一星期取消者恕不退費。若申請無法核准,另可安排其它出發日或更改其它登山行程。若無法配合其它日期與行程者,需扣除代辦費每人200元後,餘額退還。
6. 出發日前如遇颱風、封山…等,或其他人力不可抗拒之因素影響,將延期出發或取消活動。唯若無法配合挪期而取消報名者,則需扣除保險及作業手續費用每人200元,尚請見諒!
7. 行程途中如遇颱風等不可抗力之特殊因素影響而封山,致使無法完成行程,本會有權變更旅程、遊覽項目或更換食宿;變更後若節省之支出經費,將於返回後,另行通知退還。